
Of all windows made of natural wood, pine windows are believed to be the most democratic. Definitely, it is the price that confirms that. Pine boasts high insulation properties, is easy to process and fairly lasting. Most important, this tree is pretty hardy and grows everywhere, at least in temperate climates.

Usually, window frames are crafted from trees of 70 to 130 years old, when the pulp is at its densest (440 – 540 kg/m3). Therefore, objects made of it are very stiff and resistant to mechanical impact and biological influences. Also, like all other coniferous trees, pines are packed with sap, and some factors (for example, high temperature) can cause it to seep through onto the surface.

The aesthetics is above all praise too. Paint and lacquer ideally stick to light-color wood. It is also possible to use lacquer alone. It is recommended that windows be crafted from high quality wood (free of knots and damage). However, lately designers have focused on exclusive types of wood that abounds in knots. Undoubtedly, it looks stylish, but functionally it is inferior to solid wood.

Our company offers pine windows of all shapes tailored to individual size requirements. Quality guarantee covers the entire produce and services (delivery, installation, etc.)

Pine window color variations


+375(29) 387-87-97